KF2065&KFL2012BA 요약정보 및 구매
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판매가격 전화문의
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상품 상세설명

The success of TASSO line array systems in world market is encouraging TASSO engineers to go further in R&D for line array systems. KFL is a symbol that TASSO has entered into a new step in line array design and production.
KFL's creativeness falls into some elements: latest line array theory applied, innovative enclosure design, high efficient transducers, wave-guided carbon fiber horn with sophisticatedly verified phase which produces a real line source, unique acoustical structure, easy flying rigs, etc.. .  
KFL members include Active TinySweety KFL2065 + KFL2012BA and Passive TinyMighty KFL2080 + KFL3015B.  TinySweety is suitable for popular small venues requiring fashionable lines, crystal clear sound, loyalty to original voice. TinyMighty is good for both indoor and outdoor, fixed or mobile applications requiring high sound pressure with long throw like stadium, big concert, club, discotheque, theatre, etc.
Active TinySweety consists of Passive Mid-Hi (KFL2065) and Active Bass (KFL2012BA).  A standard configuration is 4 KFL2065 plus one KFL2012BA. Acting as a master speaker, KFL2012BA drives itself and 4 satellite Mid-Hi speakers simultaneously. Powered by TASSO's most mature amp module. KFL2012BA can run active or passive mode. Equipped a built-in DSP owning functions like gain, 5-band EQ, limit, delay, crossover and phase correction. 2 Ins and 2 Outs. remote control and computer management switch-able.
A "sandwich" structure back to back 12" form an airport in the middle like a slice delivers a punchy bass. Supporting by other functions makes this master speaker a Masterpiece in the industry.  
Of course, KFL2065 can not be spared. Handled by 2pcs 12 ohm custom-made 6.5" transducers plus a 44mm dia. driver, taken care by a wave-guided horn. Boldly applying 12 ohm component is a breakthrough in design with one-stone-two-bird effect.  Making 4pcs KFL2065 at 6 ohm gets a higher efficiency than 8 ohm while keeping amp's power from losing power due to the heat. All these result in transparency in sound, longer throw than others, bigger power, less budget,
easier cabling and installation.

상품 정보 고시

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- 배송사 : 옐로우택배
- 발송일 : 입금확인일로부터 1~2일 *일부상품은 재고 따라 배송이 지연될 수 있습니다.
- 배송기간 : 발송일로부터 1~3일(영업일 기준) *명절 전 시즌 및 폭설 등 자연 재해로 인해 배송이 지연될 수 있습니다.
- 추가비용발생 : 제주도 및 일부 도서 산간 지역
*상품 주문자명과 입금하는 입금자명이 동일해야 합니다. 동일하지 않을 경우 전화바랍니다.


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- 부득이하게 반품하실 경우나 교환의 경우 배송료는 고객님 부담입니다. 양해바랍니다.
- 하자나 오배송의 경우에는 판매자가 왕복배송비를 부담하여 동일 색상, 동일 사이즈로 교환배송해 드립니다.
- 무료배송으로 받은 상품중 한가지라도 반품을 하실 경우에는 최초의 무료배송비를 부담해주셔야 합니다. 이점 양해 부탁드립니다.
- 교환 및 반품은 물품 수령후 7일이내 1회만 가능합니다.

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